Graduated in Economic Sciences (1987) and Accounting Sciences (1996) from the Unified Education Association of the Federal District – UDF, specialist in Public Budget from the Institute of Economic and Social Planning – IPEA (1984). He served as Deputy Management Director and Operations Director at Brasilprev (2001/2003); was President of the Minas Gerais State Servants' Pension Institute (2003/2004); served as Deputy Secretary of the State Finance Department of Minas Gerais (2004/2006); was Chief Executive Officer of the Fundação Banco Central de Previdência Privada – CENTRUS (2006/2016); served as a member of the Board of Directors of Companhia de Saneamento de Minas Gerais – COPASA, the Brazilian Association of Closed Supplementary Pension Entities – ABRAPP and Teleceará S.A; He was a member of the Fiscal Council of the Development Bank of Minas Gerais – BDMG.