Leadership and Committees

Administrative Council

Reynaldo Passanezi Filho

Reynaldo Passanezi Filho

Graduated and PhD in Economics from the University of São Paulo – USP, Master in Economics from the University of Campinas – UNICAMP, graduated in Law from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo – PUC/SP, in addition to a specialization in Management, Leadership and Innovation from the University of Stanford (USA). He has a solid career in executive positions in the electricity sector (President Director of ISA CTEEP), in the financial sector (Country Manager and Managing Director of C&IB at BBVA Brasil), with experience in the public sector, notably in privatization programs (Advisor to the Board of Directors of State Privatization Program of the Government of the State of São Paulo). He also has extensive experience in business restructuring, mergers and acquisitions, with in-depth knowledge of Latin America and infrastructure. He is currently Chief Executive Officer of Companhia Energética de Minas Gerais – CEMIG, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Transmissora Aliança de Energia Elétrica S.A. – TAESA and member of the Board of Directors of Companhia de Desenvolvimento de Minas Gerais – CODEMGE.



Final Term

AGO 2026

Welerson Cavalieri

Welerson Cavalieri

Graduated in Administration from FUMEC University. Specialization in Total Quality Management at JUSE (Japan), Corporate Governance at IBGC and Trendsinnovation Advisor at Innova. He worked as Senior Consultant, Managing Partner, Executive Director and Senior Partner at Falconi Consultores (until 2020); was a member of the Board of Directors at Arezzo & Co (2014/2017); He was an advisor and member of the People Committee at Companhia Brasileira de Trens Urbanos – CBTU (2020/2022). He currently holds the position of Advisor at Amazônia Azul de Tecnologias de Defesa – AMAZUL where he holds the position of Presidency of the Audit Committee; member of the SMARTFIT Audit Committee; member of the Board of Directors and President of the People and Eligibility Committee of the Development Bank of Minas Gerais – BDMG.



Final Term

AGO 2026

Aloísio Macário Ferreira de Souza

Aloísio Macário Ferreira de Souza

Graduado em Ciências Contábeis pela Universidade de Brasília (UnB); MBA em Gestão de Bancos Comerciais e de Investimento – Citibank (EUA – 1992); MBA em Modelagem Avançada e Avaliação de Empresas – LLM Inteligência Empresarial – RJ 2002-2003); MBA em Previdência Complementar – Instituto Ideas / Coppe/UFRJ (2004-2005); Conselheiro de Administração e Conselheiro Fiscal certificado pelo Instituto Brasileiro de Governança Corporativa – IBGC; Governance, Risk and Compliance – Risk University – KPMG; Experiência no Mercado Financeiro e de Capitais; Atuação como Vice-Presidente de RH e TI na USIMINAS (2014 – 2015); Carreira de 35 anos no Banco do Brasil S. A; Atuou na PREVI – Caixa de Previdência dos Funcionários do Banco do Brasil (1999 – 2011) e na BB-DTVM como Chefe da Divisão de Análise de Ativos (1995 – 1999).



Final Term

AGO 2026

Carlos Camargo de Colón

Carlos Camargo de Colón

Carlos Camargo de Colón é um administrador com mais de 25 anos de experiência no setor público e privado, com foco nas áreas de energia e agronegócio. Antes de ingressar na Gasmig, foi Diretor Presidente e Conselheiro na Sulgás, empresa de distribuição de gás canalizado do Rio Grande do Sul, onde liderou o processo de privatização e também a transição pós-privatização. Foi membro do Conselho de Administração da Bioceres Crop Solutions, multinacional líder em microbiologia agrícola, listada na Nasdaq (EUA). Carlos tem vasta experiência internacional, tendo exercido funções na Argentina, Brasil, Estados Unidos, Grã-Bretanha e os Emirados Arabes. Iniciou sua carreira no banco de investimento Morgan Stanley e depois passou quatorze anos no UBS onde trabalhou com fusões e aquisições e mercado de capitais. Carlos é formado pela Columbia University na cidade de Nova York. Carlos também é membro do Conselho Consultivo Internacional da Fundação Dom Cabral.



Final Term

1ª RCA após a AGO de 2026

Cláudia Silvia Zanchi Piunti

Cláudia Silvia Zanchi Piunti

Graduated in Electrical Engineering (Mackenzie), post-MBA Advanced Program for Women on the Board (Saint Paul Business School) MBA in General Administration (Fundação Dom Cabral and INSPER) and extension in Strategy and Organization at Stanford. He worked at Gerdau as Global Energy Director (2004/2014), Global Chief Procurement Officer – CPO (2014/2017), Global Chief Information Officer – CIO and Chief Digital Officer – CDO (2016/2019). She currently holds the position of Administrative Director of Aegea Saneamento e Participações S.A.



Final Term

AGO 2026

Elza Kallas

Elza Kallas

Graduated in Chemical Engineering from the Federal University of Minas Gerais – UFMG, Specialization in Petroleum Engineering from Petrobras University, MBA in Business Management from the University of São Paulo – USP. She worked at Petrobras as Executive Refining Manager at Petrobras (2019 – 2023), General Supply Manager at Petrobras (2018 – 2019), General Manager of the refineries: Duque de Caxias Refinery (2016 to 2018), Henrique Lage Refinery (2012 to 2016 ), Shale Industrialization Unit (2006 to 2012) and Optimization, Engineering and Commercialization Manager at the Gabriel Passos Refinery (1995 to 2006). She was the first woman in the history of Petrobras to hold the positions of General Manager and Refining Executive. With 40 years of experience, he has led numerous projects in the areas of operational efficiency, production, operations, supply of goods and services and management.



Final Term

AGO 2026

Hélio Cesar Brasileiro

Hélio Cesar Brasileiro

Graduated in Economic Sciences (1987) and Accounting Sciences (1996) from the Unified Education Association of the Federal District – UDF, specialist in Public Budget from the Institute of Economic and Social Planning – IPEA (1984). He served as Deputy Management Director and Operations Director at Brasilprev (2001/2003); was President of the Minas Gerais State Servants' Pension Institute (2003/2004); served as Deputy Secretary of the State Finance Department of Minas Gerais (2004/2006); was Chief Executive Officer of the Fundação Banco Central de Previdência Privada – CENTRUS (2006/2016); served as a member of the Board of Directors of Companhia de Saneamento de Minas Gerais – COPASA, the Brazilian Association of Closed Supplementary Pension Entities – ABRAPP and Teleceará S.A; He was a member of the Fiscal Council of the Development Bank of Minas Gerais – BDMG.



Final Term

AGO 2026


Executive Board

Carlos Camargo de Colón

Carlos Camargo de Colón

Carlos Camargo de Colón é um administrador com mais de 25 anos de experiência no setor público e privado, com foco nas áreas de energia e agronegócio. Antes de ingressar na Gasmig, foi Diretor Presidente e Conselheiro na Sulgás, empresa de distribuição de gás canalizado do Rio Grande do Sul, onde liderou o processo de privatização e também a transição pós-privatização. Foi membro do Conselho de Administração da Bioceres Crop Solutions, multinacional líder em microbiologia agrícola, listada na Nasdaq (EUA). Carlos tem vasta experiência internacional, tendo exercido funções na Argentina, Brasil, Estados Unidos, Grã-Bretanha e os Emirados Arabes. Iniciou sua carreira no banco de investimento Morgan Stanley e depois passou quatorze anos no UBS onde trabalhou com fusões e aquisições e mercado de capitais. Carlos é formado pela Columbia University na cidade de Nova York. Carlos também é membro do Conselho Consultivo Internacional da Fundação Dom Cabral.



Final Term

1ª RCA após a AGO de 2026

President Director
Alessandro Marques

Alessandro Marques

Graduação em Gestão Pública e Graduação em Administração (em andamento) pela Universidade Unopar. Diversos cursos na área de Gestão, empreendedorismo e inovação, Gestão de Projetos de Sustentabilidade, liderança e administração de empresa, relações sociais e comportamento humano. Profissional com mais de 32 anos de experiência na Gestão Empresarial, atuando como DIRETOR e gerando mais de 90 mil empregos diretos. Expertise e Estratégia em processos políticos, atuando como Presidente Estadual de Partido e Vice-Presidente Nacional.

He was President and coordinator of the Popular Housing Company of the State of Minas Gerais – COHAB (01/2015 to 03/2019); was Chief of Staff at Contagem City Hall (12/2019 to 12/2020); and Advisor to the Presidency of GASMIG (01/2024 to 04/2024).



Final Term

1ª RCA após a AGO de 2026

Director of Institutional Relations
Carlos Eduardo de Moraes Barros Junior

Carlos Eduardo de Moraes Barros Junior

Graduated in Economic Sciences from Universidade Mackenzie (1996) with an Executive MBA from the Brazilian Institute of Capital Markets – IBMEC (2003), Carlos Eduardo has CPA-20 courses and certifications (2004), Executive Training Program from Baldwin-Wallace University, Cleveland (2000), Business English from the University of California, San Diego (1997), English from the Pittman School, London (1993), Futures Markets and Financial Mathematics from the São Paulo Stock Exchange (1993). He held the position of Banker and Head of Pulp & Paper, Agribusiness and Diversified Industries at Société Générale Corporate & Investment Bank (2005/2007), statutory director, member of the Executive Committee, Head of the Corporate and Investment Bank, and representative of the Department of Latin America at Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation (2007/2018). He was also a partner and member of the Global Financial Services and Insurance Practices at Heidrick & Struggles (2018/2021) and Deputy Director at Companhia Energética de Minas Gerais – CEMIG (2021/2022).



Final Term

1ª RCA após a AGO de 2026

Diretor Administrativo, Financeiro
e de Relações com Investidores
Rodrigo Solha Pazzini de Freitas

Rodrigo Solha Pazzini de Freitas

Graduated in Mechanical Engineering with an emphasis on Thermal Machines from the Pontifical Catholic University – PUC/MG. He has an MBA in Executive Management from the Brazilian Institute of Capital Markets – IBMEC and a postgraduate degree in Financial Management from Fundação Getúlio Vargas – FGV. With more than 30 years of experience in the oil & gas sector, he held the position of Statutory Commercial Director of GLP Granel at Liquigas Distribuidora S.A. – PETROBRAS (2017/2020) and Executive Commercial Director at Copa Energia (2021/2022), in addition to several managerial functions with technical and commercial responsibilities at Agip do Brasil – ENI GROUP (1999/2004) and PETROBRAS System (2004/2016).



Final Term

1ª RCA após a AGO de 2026

Diretor Técnico-Comercial

Fiscal Council

Luiz Fernando de Medeiros Moreira

Luiz Fernando de Medeiros Moreira

Graduated in Accounting Sciences from Faculdades Integradas Newton de Paiva/MG (1993); graduated in Business Administration from the Minas Gerais Education and Culture Foundation – FACE-FUMEC (1979); Executive Development Program – PDE – Promoted by Fundação Dom Cabral (2005); Executive STC – Promoted by Fundação Dom Cabral MG/Brazil and Kellogg School of Management Chicago/USA (2008); was Deputy Director of Compliance, Corporate Risks and Internal Controls at Cemig (2019/2023); General Director (CEO) (2018/2019) and Administrative Financial Director (2016/2018) of Stola do Brasil Ltda; CFO Projeto Pernambuco FCA Group (FIAT/JEEP) (2014/2016) and member of the Controlling Board (2008) of the FIAT Group; CFO – Chief Financial Officer of FIAT Group Automobiles South Africa (PTY) Ltda – Johannesburg (2007/2008); CAO – Chief Accounting Officer of FIAT Automóveis S/A (2005/2007).



Final Term

AGO 2026

Henrique de Castilho Marques de Sousa

Henrique de Castilho Marques de Sousa

Graduated in Civil Engineering from the Minas Gerais Education and Culture Foundation – FUMEC. He was Director of Public Lighting in BH and Director of Operations at the Municipal Department of Works and Infrastructure – SMOBI of Belo Horizonte City Hall (2017/2018). He is currently the head of the Capital Development Superintendence – SUDECAP.



Final Term

AGO 2026

Jorge Luiz Schmitt-Prym

Jorge Luiz Schmitt-Prym

Graduated in Law from the Faculty of Law of Cruz Alta do Rio Grande do Sul (1988); Specialization in Political Law from UNISINOS (1989); MBA Basic General Training Course for Senior Executives at USP/FEA (1995); International Executive MBA from AMANA-KEY (1998); MBA Economic and Business Law from FGV/EPGE (1998); Postgraduate degree in Corporate Governance from USP/FEA (2001). Participated on the Fiscal Councils of Brasilcap Capitalização S.A. (1999/2000) and Trem Metropolitano de BH S.A. – METROMINAS (2012/2013); served on the CIA Boards of Directors. Seguros Aliança do Brasil (1999/2001) and Minas Gerais Participações S.A. (2005/2011); was Financial and Investment Director at Brasilprev Seguros e Previdência S.A (2000/2005); served as Executive Director of Banco de Desenvolvimento de Minas Gerais S.A. – BDMG (2007/2011). He is currently a Specialized Technical Consultant at Belo Horizonte City Hall.



Final Term

AGO 2026

Maria Salete Garcia Pinheiro

Maria Salete Garcia Pinheiro

Graduated in Accounting Sciences with an MBA in Finance from IBMEC and a business training program from the University of Ontario, Canada. Maria Salete is certified by the CFC to work in Auditing Financial Institutions and by IBGC to work on Boards of Directors and Fiscal Councils. Served as Member of the Board of Directors and Coordinator of the Audit Committee of HPX Corp, a company registered with the SEC (2020/2023). He was also a member of the Supervisory Board of BR Distribuidora (2019/2021) and Jereissati Participações S.A. (2020/2022). For 23 years, she worked as a partner at Big4 Independent Audit (1979/2018). Currently, she serves as Fiscal Advisor for Equatorial Energia S.A. and Equatorial Pará Distrib. Energia S.A., in addition to Coordinating the Audit Committee of Banco Modal S.A., HDI Seguros S.A. and Icatu Seguros S.A. She is also part of the Audit Committee and the People, Eligibility, Succession and Remuneration Committee of BNDES.



Final Term

AGO 2026

Silvia Caroline Listgarten Dias

Silvia Caroline Listgarten Dias

Graduada em Administração Pública pela Fundação João Pinheiro – FJP (2002) e em Direito pela Universidade FUMEC (2004); Especialização em Educação a Distância pela Pontíficia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais – Puc Minas (2007); Especialização em Direito Administrativo pela Fundação Universidade de Itaúna – FUIT (2007); MBA Internacional em Gerenciamento de Projetos pela Fundação Getúlio Vargas – FGV (2009); Especialização em Segurança Pública e Justiça Criminal e Mestrado em Administração Pública pela FJP (2009). Atualmente é Chefe de Gabinete na Secretaria de Estado de Planejamento e Gestão de Minas Gerais – SEPLAG, tendo atuado também como Superintendente Central de Coordenação Geral (2010-2018) e Empreendedora Pública II Programa Estado para Resultados Vice-Governadoria (2007-2010). Atuou como diretora de Ensino e Pesquisa na Superintendência de Integração do Sistema de Defesa Social (2004/2007) e Assessora do Secretário-Adjunto de Estado (2003/2004) na Secretaria de Estado da Defesa Social de Minas Gerais. Foi servidora pública do Estado de Minas Gerais, na Ouvidoria de Polícia, especialista em Políticas Públicas e Gestão Governamental (2003).



Final Term

AGO 2026


Audit Committee

Márcio de Lima Leite

Márcio de Lima Leite

Legal Director including Governance, for FCA (Fiat Chrysler Automóveis Brasil Ltda). Member of the Risk and Internal Control Committee for the Latam region, responsible for compliance, antitrust, anti-corruption law and code of conduct training for employees, suppliers and dealers. Expertise in M&A projects. Guest professor for the LLM course in Tax Law, Accounting and Governance at PUC Minas. IMPP Supervisory Board (Instituto Minas Pela Paz), Legal Director of the Torino Foundation, vice-president of Anfavea, director of ACMinas, Member of the Automotive Chamber (FIEMG). Member of the CEMIG Audit Committee.



Final Term

1ª RCA após AGO 2026

Heloisa Belotti Bedicks

Heloisa Belotti Bedicks

He is an Effective Member of Vale's Fiscal Council (since April 2022). His main professional experiences in the last 5 years include: (i) Member of the Board of Directors of the National Bank for Economic and Social Development – ​​BNDES (since March 2020); (ii) Member of the Board of Directors of the MAPFRE Group, specialist in the insurance, financial, health and assistance sectors (since June 2019); (iii) Member of the Fiscal Council of Braskem (from May 2020 to April 2022), a publicly-held company in the chemical and petrochemical sector; (iv) Member of the Fiscal Council of Fundação Boticário (since April 2020), a non-profit organization maintained by Grupo Boticário; (v) Member of the Audit Committee of Brasilseg (since September 2020), a BB Seguros company, the holding company that concentrates Banco do Brasil's insurance business; (vi) Voluntary member of the councils of the UN Global Compact, GRI and Missão Portas Abertas (since 2020); (vii) General Director of the Brazilian Institute of Corporate Governance – IBGC (between April 2001 and January 2020); (viii) Member of the Board of the Association of Supporters of the Acquisitions and Mergers Committee – ACAF (B3, Anbima and IBGC) (between 2015 and 2019); (ix) Advisor to ICGN – International Corporate Governance Network (between 2012 and 2014), an institution that brings together the largest global pension and investment funds based in London; (x) President of ICGLA – Network of Corporate Governance Institutes in Latin America (between 2012 and 2014); (xi) Member of the Board of MAPFRE Seguradora de Garantias e Créditos S.A. (between 2000 and 2012); (xii) Member of the Advisory Board of the ABN AMRO Asset Management Ethical Fund (between 2002 and 2010); (xiii) Member of the Advisory Board of the Center for Sustainability Studies at Fundação Getúlio Vargas (between 2002 and 2006); and (xiv) member of the Advisory Board of the BMF&Bovespa Corporate Sustainability Index (ISE) (between 2005 and 2010). He graduated in Economics from the State University of Campinas – UNICAMP (1983) and Accounting Sciences from the Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais (1985); Specialized in Corporate Governance from Yale University (2003) and in Board of Directors from Chicago University (2007); as well as a master's degree in Business Administration from Mackenzie University (2008). He is certified by IBGC for the Board of Directors, Fiscal Council and Audit Committee.



Final Term

1ª RCA após AGO 2026

Jair Rezini

Jair Rezini

Graduated in Accounting Sciences from the Federal University of Paraná – UFPR (1994) with a postgraduate degree in Controllership and Finance – UFPR (2000) and specialization in Compliance and Anti-Corruption – IBS/FGV (2019), he has several courses, such as, Techniques of Internal Corporate Investigations – LEC (2022), Emotional Intelligence – Conquer (2021), Uncomplicated Leadership – Isvor (2016), Time Management – ​​Isvor (2015) and Audit Committee – FDC (2019). Mr. Jair Rezini was Corporate Manager of Internal Controls and Compliance at Instituto Hermes Pardini S.A. (2017/2023), Relationship Manager at FCA Services – Stellantis Group (1992/2016) and Accountant at Battistella Indústria e Comércio Ltda. (1989/1992). Has international experience in Negotiation to align International Accounts Payable, involving the Head Office, kick-off meeting of the global SAP project (United States), Global Meeting of Chief Accounting Officers; Visit to the Plants, Alignment with the headquarters, of strategies for the Latam Region.



Final Term

1ª RCA após AGO 2025


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