Rodrigo Solha Pazzini de Freitas

Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering with emphasis on Thermal Machines from Pontifical Catholic University - PUC/MG. Mr. Freitas holds an MBA of Executive Management from Instituto Brasileiro de Mercado de Capitais - IBMEC and a postgraduate degree in Financial Management from Getúlio Vargas Foundation - FGV. With over 30 years' experience in the oil and gas sector, he held the position of Chief Business Statutory Officer GLP Granel at Liquigas Distribuidora S.A. - PETROBRAS (2017/2020) and Chief Business Executive Officer at Copa Energia (2021/2022), in addition to several managerial functions with technical and commercial responsibilities at Agip do Brasil - ENI GROUP (1999/2004) and PETROBRAS System (2004/2016).

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